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Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE) Projects


A Supervised Agricultural Experience Project (SAE) is a learning by doing process. Through it, vocational agriculture students reinforce learning by applying skills and knowledge acquired their classes by means of an ownership and/or non-ownership projects through FFA Activities. Some examples of an SAE include raising livestock, crop production, and welding or construction projects.

SAE's Advised by Mrs. Rodriguez:

- Market/Breeding Rabbits

- Floral Design Projects

SAE's Advised by other FFA Advisors at SMHS:

- Ag Mechanics Projects

- Crop Production Projects

- Landscaping Projects

​- Market/Breeding Hogs

- Market/Breeding Goats

- Market/Breeding Lambs

- Market Steers & Heifers

- Market Chickens/Broilers

- Market Turkeys

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